Thursday, March 20, 2008

Oh, Morning,

Why art thou so rude?
You push away the blanket of night all too quickly.
You extend the sun's glistening rays down to the earth,
They penetrate the darkness, they shine through my window,
Rousing me from my blissful slumber.
I do not wish to get up, but I must.
For it is morning, thus it is expected of me.
Oh, Morning,
Why art thou so rude?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Cranial-posterior Inversion

I seem to be encountering a lot of people who have this condition lately, so I figured that I might list a few symptoms so that those of you that have it may find out early and stop the condition from progressing.
Symptoms of Cranial-posterior Inversion include, but are not limited to:
  1. Talking over people or not listening to them when they speak.
  2. Pretending like you know something when you really don't.
  3. Viewing some one as inferior to you based on denominators such as, age, race, gender, or sexual orientation.
  4. Basing your opinion of someone on preconceived notions of their personality.
  5. Expecting immediate responses from people when you ask them a question, whether it be in conversation, over text, email or IM.
  6. Creating unnecessary conflict.
  7. Not complying to a reasonable request when asked politely.
  8. Putting in your head phones while someone is trying to talk to you.
  9. Bludgeoning the horse to death on every single subject of conversation.
  10. Being hypocritical.
  11. Littering.
  12. Asking someone's opinion and then getting offended because they didn't tell you what you wanted to hear.
  13. Saying one thing, while meaning another.
  14. Continuing to ask a question when someone tells you either they don't know, or don't feel comfortable telling you the answer.
  15. Going to an event that includes a lot of walking wearing high heels. (can you say retarded)
  16. Wearing Uggs, particularly when in combination with a short skirt or shorts. Can you say UGGly?
  17. Thinking that batting your eyelashes is cute, it's not, you look stupid.
  18. Smoking cigarettes right outside a bike shop when you are an employee at that bike shop.
  19. Smoking cigarettes in general, it's not just you you're killing with your nasty smoke; you're killing me and poor little Suzy-Joe, and Johnny, and Billy-Bob too. In others words, you're killing other people with your second hand smoke. EW.
  20. Wearing spandex when you know that you are obese, especially when said spandex is beige.
  21. Insisting that you're right even when there is plenty of evidence showing that you're wrong.
  22. Assuming someone can't do something even when you've never seen them try.
If you have any of these symptoms you may have Cranial-posterior Inversion and should see your physician immediately
If more symptoms are discovered they will be added to this list to aid you in your diagnosis.

What Would Weaver Do? [WWWD?]