Friday, August 29, 2008

I Wanna Live in an EARTHSHIP!!!!!

Yes, I said earthship.

I'm sure many of you already know what an earthship is, I have for a few years, but for those of that don't:

"An Earthship refers to a passive solar home made of natural and recycled materials. Designed and marketed by Earthship Biotecture of Taos, NM, the homes are primarily constructed of earth-filled tires, utilising thermal mass construction to naturally regulate indoor temperature. Earthships are a type of off-grid home, which minimizes their reliance on public utilities and fossil fuels." -Wiki

Cool, no?

I know this is a cycling blog and this really doesn't have anything to do with cycling, but I think the earthship is a great idea, and a step in the right direction. I'm not saying everyone should live in house made of recycled bottles, even though that'd be cool, but it would cost way less money to convert all of America to solar power than what we've spent on the war in Iraq. And that's kind of my point.

Earthship listings

Friday, August 22, 2008

Post-Nats Update

Well all in all my time at nats was not too great.
The drive home was fun though, we took 101 through the redwoods instead of boring I-5.
Here is what Dallin looks like now, for those of you that wanted to know:

Much different than the pic I previously linked to.
Ummm. I'm really glad to be home, haha. =]

Saturday, August 16, 2008


I'm sure everyone is wondering what in the world is going on down here.
Well, I've had just about the worst luck anyone could ever have.
my 200 was fine, I qualified easily for the sprints, but the 1/8 final, not so fine.
The girl I was paired with had never done match sprints before and my plan was to take her all the way to the rail then jump out of corner 3.
Well, I'm taking her up, and taking her up, and then she tries to take me back down, but I don't budge, which resulted in this. Which eventually resulted in this. Which resulted in grumpy officials.

And the 500 was just a disaster. My stomach hurt very badly shortly before my race, I ended up in the bathroom vomiting. Then they were doing it in heats of 2. Well I was on the back stretch. Then, double gun. The girl on the front stretch false started, which was unfortunate because my start was perfect. Ok, no problem, I can do that start again. I did do that start again. I get to the corner and BANG BANG! What? Did she false start AGAIN?! No, she
crashed. By the time I got around to my third start my legs were shaking so much I couldn't keep the bike straight... It was horrible. Today finally starts the stuff I like, so maybe it'll be a lot better.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I do have a pic, you can't see till I get home, so ha!
Ok, I can't believe I forgot about this last night.
You'll never believe who I ran into at the track.
Remember this kid?

Dallin Davidson!!

I thought he just quit racing, turns out he moved to California... My bad. His family moved to socal two years ago. It was pretty cool to see him again. He looks a bit different than he did in that pic.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Track


I like this track. =]
It's only a little steeper than Alpenrose, and just a little shorter too, but it's
so different. A whole lot smoother.
Tomorrow is packet pick up and rider meeting.
Then Thursday the racing starts.

Haha, Oops I used a hotel towel to clean off my bike and tires.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Or State TT Championships


Yay, I won.
My front wheel wasn't actually on for the entire duration of the TT, but it's a long story and I don't really feel like typing all that out after driving 550 miles to Willow, California.
But I won, so it's all good. The other girls in my category did very well too.
Well, tomorrow is a big day, I better get some sleep.
Sorry about this rather short post. I'll add more when we get to LA (maybe)

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Tomorrow is a very, very, very busy day.
We are getting up at 5:00 am, eating breakfast and then heading to the State TT championships. As soon as I'm done with my TT we will be leaving for Track Nationals in LA. Oh yeah, the City of Angles. Hmm, that reminds me of a song.
Nationals this year is at the ADT event center, which for those of you that don't know, is the only indoor track in the U.S.