Tuesday, April 21, 2009

ETT #2

We did the right distance this week. :) horraayy

Haha, but I dropped my chain, which made it kinda sucky, but my time was only three seconds slower than the previous week despite that.
It was nice weather and the wind wasn't quite as fierce as Christian Siriano. My long sleeve skin suit was a little warm though.
I left the time trial asap to go participate in track clean up day. I got there very late, but not too late to make myself useful.

Yesterday I went on a ride with two BBC gremlins, but it was fun, we went up Doschand around fairmount a few times. It was nice catching up with my ex teamies.

I'm debating doing P.I.R. tonight, but I'm not really a big fan.. Etiherway I'll be there, but racing? I'm not too sure..

To anyone who still reads this despite my lack of regular updates;
my apologies forthe breifness and defeciet of quality in this post--My interenet is down, I'm a Teacher's Aid this period, and I had nothing to do, so I'm updating my blog from the school library. And oh man, this key board is ghetto. I mean, this space bar sticks so much, I'm not even sure I actually hit it half the time... And it's missing the home key. You know, between insert and page up?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

ETT #1

Today was the first of three in the Estacada Time Trial Series.
I had intended to do two ten-mile time trials. One Jr Women's, one Cat 4 Women's. However, I managed to get my 20 miles of time trialing in all during the Jr Women's.
What's this?
Isn't the first Estacada always 10 miles?
Well, not for me, or any of the other juniors and not for the Cat 5 men, or the Master Women.
This is most perculiar, no?
Well the flaggers were told that it was a ten mile race, but instead 5 miles to the turn around, they drove 1o.
There was a fierce headwind the whole way out, (fiercer than Christian Siriano, and he's fierce) it was awful. For a while I thought I was going to have to move to my bullhorns just to stay upright.
As I was drilling toward the five mile turn around however, I felt great. Then I passed where I remembered the turn around being. Needless to say, I was somewhat confused. I thought perhaps since I hadn't done that race in two years that I might've just remembered wrong. How ever when we started crossing the bridges, I knew something was amiss. I remember the first time I saw the bridge was on my first 20 mile ride. As I realized I said to myself, "oh [insert explative] I'm doing a 20 mile time trial"
The way back was amazing. The tailwind was BAMF. I flew up the hill on the way back at around 30mph, I was booking it like Flash.
Despite the headwind, I broke my PR from two years ago of 1:04:34 by 4 minutes and 14 seconds with a time of 1:00:20.
After my race, I saw the sexiest bike I had ever seen.
It was a look 596 TT bike.
I wanted to lick it.