And it also happens to be one of the last... I awoke on this cold, cold day upon the eighth hour of the morning. I finished with last minute preparations for the coming day. Then I awaited the arrival of my mother's kind friend David whom we were car pooling with. Following his arrival we promptly packed the car, and set out for our distant destination of Eugene, Oregon. We arrived at said destination, our coffee well since consumed, we helped ourselves to the coffee provided by the thoughtful race promoters. I then rode part of the course, but I did not feel the need to endeavor riding a whole lap.
I had a wonderful warm up, sitting in David's car drinking cocoa and sketching the human hand. David was racing as my mother and I were warming up, we opened the car door to cheer for him, then promptly shut it again, as to not let out the invaluable heat. It then came time for me to mount my trusty aluminum stead, it's shiny blue and silver frame neglected for nearly a year. I learned at the start line that only one woman had warmed up. We started our race after a minor mishap in the back of the group. I started out strong. All the women started together and I maintained a position in the top five for a quarter of a lap. I even managed to keep that position through the enormously high barriers.
Only when I had to cross the river did I lose my position. I then rode the rest of my three laps of ludicrously high barriers, quick paced single track, running my bike up wooden stairs and splashing through the river-interrupted only by a flat tire- alone. I finished first, beating out my thoughest opponents, me, myself, and I.
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