Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Race


The ballerina started quickly, but Tinkerbell and I soon passed her. Tinkerbell and I were in a deadlock, weaving through beginner women, trying to get past them as fast as we can, trying to get away from one another. Tinkerbell gets ahead of me ever so slightly on an ascent, but I close the ground between us quickly. We come to the barriers and I'm about to pass her, my run through the six pack is more agile than hers,I go to mount my aluminum steed, and the chain is no longer on the chainring. I let out some expletives and fix my chain is fast as I can, but by then Tink is already out of sight.
Though demoralized I was indeed, I was not going to let this one go that easily. I had to chase her. I had to. And then, out of no where, the ballerina passes me. Where did she come from? Third? That was not something that I could let happen.
I passed the ballerina on the last lap, going over the hill that precedes the barriers, she was walking I was riding. The second I pass her I almost get taken out by super girl, but that couldn't happen, no. I had to stay upright, and I did. I got ahead of her and turned on any afterburners I had, I couldn't let her pass me again.
I turned down the hill for the last time, and as usual I went out of my way to go over the little jump. However, unlike every other time, this time I landed too heavily on my front wheel, everyone thought I was going down. Yes, an endo for sure. But I ended up miraculously saving it, and doing a nose wheelie half way down the hill. All I had to now was get up one little hill and over some barriers and I was home free.
I made up the hill and over the barriers and maintained my placing to cross the line in a both satisfying and disappointing 2nd place.

And here a few pics:
Picasso's blue period. (hahahah)
HUP United.
Or is it HOOP United?
I approve of the message, but crack kills.


I didn't care for the course much, and I didn't do so well. There were a few fun parts of the course though. I loved the changes that were made the next day. Sunday's course was awesome.


redshoes said...

Who is the ballerina?

Fiona Graham said...

The ballerina is the one in black one the red black.